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We have an HTML Tutorial for those of you who want to be able to do your own web design, or you could have us do it for you. is one of the ways we are helping people get rid of viruses and trojans on their computers. It is an open-source Office suite, similar to that one you are probably familiar with, except that it works equally well regardless of whether you're running Mac, Windows or UNIX/Linux, it handles all of the standard file formats without converting, plus it has its own file formats as well, and it doesn't have the nasty "feature" that the other software package has, that causes it to be the number one target for viruses in the world. If you need help with your computer, one thing that will help a lot is to get software that works, and doesn't provide a vehicle for nefarious bad-guys to abuse your computer: will do it for you.

Here are a couple of nifty javascript gadgets that'll convert pretty much anything to pretty much anything else. They don't do currency, but if you ever wondered how many gills in a barrel, how many picas in a furlong, or how many milliliters in a quart, here's where you can find out.

Here is a way to figure out how to put languages other than English in your perl, javascript, xml or html documents. The Unicode Slide Rule is a gadget with which you can copy and paste unknown characters, so that you can find out what they mean, you can transliterate "stuff" to "стуф", "στυφ" or "स्तुफ्", and you can browse through the 65,550 individual characters for strange characters like ॐ, ᓾ, ℘, ☯, ⤴, ⎆ and ⁂.

You should never forward virus warnings of any kind, that you receive in email, to *anyone*. It doesn't matter if the virus warnings have come from an anti-virus vendor or been confirmed by any large computer company or your best friend. If you absolutely must forward a virus warning, send it to us and we'll tell you whether it's real or not. Most probably it will be a hoax, but even if it's not, forwarding a warning won't help anyway.