About the Unicode Sliderule

I wrote the "Unicode sliderule" because I kept running into Unicode characters that I wanted to enter, but didn't know how to type, or that I knew the hex code for but didn't know the appearance of, or that I had on the clipboard but wanted a transliteration of, and so on.

So, inspired by how a real sliderule (in days of yore) could do a jillion different things, I whipped up this bit of JavaScript to serve as many purposes as I could manage.  I may even improve more it as I get better at JavaScript!  Hooboy!

The way that the Unicode slide rule behaves depends on several things:

If you want to download the Unicode slide rule as a zip file so you can run it locally, here it is.  It's about a meg long. (Most of that space is taken up by the Chinese/Japanese/Korean character data.)

13 Feb 02005

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